Miklós Peternák Born in 1956 Esztergom, Hungary, lives in Budapest. Studied history and history of art, PhD 1994: New Media - Art and Science. He was a member of the Béla-Balázs-Studio, Budapest (1981-87), worked at the Hungarian National Gallery (1981-83) and at the Research Institute for Art History at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (1983-87). Head of the Intermedia Department at the Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts since 1990, director of C3: Center for Culture and Communication Foundation since 1997. He has produced several films and videos and published numerous articles and books.

Selected publications:

- Art, Research, Experiment: Scientific Methods and Systematic Concepts. Beyond Geometry. LACMA, 2004 Los Angeles
- Vision. Image and Perception. Catalogue text, C3 - Mucsarnok, Budapest, 2002
- Perspective. Catalogue [ed.], C3 - Mucsarnok, Budapest, 2001
- Beyond the Image. On Flusser, Reception and the Context of Image. In: Gottfried Jäger (Hg.): Fotografie denken. Kerber Verlag, Bielefeld, 2001. pp 81-91.
- Intermedia. Catalogue, 1999 Budapest
- Der Zeit ist reif - Jetzt? Oder nie? in: Kunst der neunziger Jahre in Ungarn. Akademie der Künste 1999. Berlin
- Interdisziplinarität und neue Medien in der Ungarische Kunst der vergangenen drei Jahrzehnte. in: Die zweite Öffentlichkeit. Kunst in Ungarn im 20. Jahrhundert. (Hrsg. Hans Knoll). Verlag der Kunst 1999. Dresden, p. 234-255.
- Bel Tempo. in: Trieste Contemporanea 1998. Catalogue
- """" org. Internationaler Videokunstpreis 1998. Katalog p. 10-14.
- The Influence of Conceptual Art in Hungary, http://www.c3.hu/collection/concept
- Der beginn der zentralen Programmsendung - Budapest 1893. Die "Telefonhírmodó". Lab. Jahrbuch 1996/97 für Künste und Apparate. KHM, Köln - Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, Köln 1997
- Detaillierte Spuren von Geheimnisse. artintact 3. ZKM 1996 Karlsruhe, p. 89-94.
- Gábor Bódy. Cinéma et théorie. Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris 1996. p. 5-18.
- The Butterfly Effect. InterCommunication 17. Tokyo 1996 Summer, p.47-50
- The Next Hundred Years (Film Utopia). In Sight. Media Art from the Middle of Europe. YYZ, Toronto 1995 - INTERMEDIA. 1993. Barabás Kkt, Budapest,Catalogue, pp. 102,
- Camera obscura. Hungarian Museum of Photography. Kecskemét, 1993.
- Die neuen (künstlerischen) Medien und die ungarische Gesellschaft./The New (Artistic) Media and Hungarian Society. Ostranenie 1993. Dessau.
- Cross Chronology. A history of Hungarian video art. SUB VOCE. Műcsarnok, Budapest 1991.p. 21-24.
- Die verstaatlichte Sicht. Ein Experiment zur Schaffung des "allegorischen Dokumentarismus". in:Staatskunstwerk. Kultur im Stalinismus. Corvina, Budapest 1992. p.85-96.
- (Rajk-Bachman:) CATAFALQUE. NA-NE Galéria, Budapest, 1990. pp. 78
- Who is (was) the Victim, who is (was) the Culprit and what happened? Hungarian art in the Eighties. in: Modern and Contemporary Hungarian Art. Bulletin, Soros Foundation Fine Art Documentation Center - Műcsarnok, Budapest 1990 p. 19-25
- A short History of the Avant-Garde in Hungarian Cinema. Undercut No 18. Autumn 1989. 31-35. p. (London Film Makers Co-op)
- BÓDY Gábor (1946-1985). Műcsarnok, Budapest 1987. (with László Beke) Catalogue, pp. 335
- Bemerkungen zur Theorie des Computerbildes. Entgrentzte Grenzen, Graz Künstlerhaus 1987. 68-70. p.

Exhibitions (selected):
2003 Aura. Budapest (co-curator Nikolett Eross) http://aura.c3.hu/index_en.html
2002 Vision Image and perception. Kunsthalle Budapest, http://vision.c3.hu/en/home.html
2000 Media Model. Kunsthalle Budapest, http://www.mediamodell.c3.hu/
1999 Perspective. Kunsthalle Budapest (co-curator L. Beke), http://www.c3.hu/perspektiva 1998 Inter/Media/Art. Ernst Museum, Budapest (co-curator: Zsuzsa Megyesi)
1997 Reflexions on Flusser. 6th International Vilém Flusser Symposion, C3 Budapest. http://www.c3.hu/events/97/flusser/exhibition.html
1996 Exploration network. C3 Opening Exhibition, Budapest (co-curator: Zoltán Szegedy-Maszák)
1995 The Butterfly-Effect. Kunsthalle Budapest (co-curator Suzy Mészöly) http://www.c3.hu/scca/butterfly/index.html
1983 Film/art (The History of the Hungarian Experimental Film). Budapest Galéria, Budapest (co-curator: Judit Lorányi)

Film/Video (selected):
1992 The Philosopher of Photography - Vilém Flusser, (with A. Sólyom)
1991 THE MEDIA WERE WITH US (A médiumok velünk voltak) The Role of Television in the Rumanian Revolution BBS, MII video, 141`
1990 MEDIOLOGY, M II video, 60`
1989. Prints of Light. (A History of Hungarian Photography) (M.I.T. - IPV) I inch. 121`
1988/89 HERMANN NITSCH IN BUDAPEST, (BBS K-section) 40` video
1985/87 BESZÉLGETÉSEK I. Conversation I. BBS-K, 16 mm , 46`
1985/87 BESZÉLGETÉSEK II. Conversation II. (The Birth of Venus) BBS K-section, video, 39`
1982 ZENON. BBS, 16 mm , 11`